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A group of Boulder County Employees

Vote yes for a seat at the table for Boulder County employees

Want to learn more? Let's chat

Want to chat with another Boulder County employee about your union? Schedule a conversation here.

Sign your union card

Fill out this form to sign your union card and show your support.

Together we can make Boulder County the best place to work

We are a worker-led group of current Boulder County employees. Like you, we work to provide crucial services to the residents of Boulder County.

Union members work together to negotiate a contract that includes the things we care about without the fear of retaliation. You do not have to be unhappy about your job to want to form a union. Unions make good workplaces better by protecting the working conditions you like and negotiating to improve the conditions you want to see improve.

Have questions? Read our FAQ here.

Make Your Voice Heard

Are you tired of taking surveys and then not seeing any change take place? Having a union can help with that. As a union, we can negotiate a legally binding contract and bargain with management for the things that are important to us. It can help us work toward the things we want and amplify our voice.

For example, we can bargain for things like
•    More flexible work hours
•    The ability to continue working at home when feasible
•    Equity for hourly workers
•    Job security through just-cause protections and a grievance procedure
•    Higher wages 

Address Retention Issues

Are you concerned about the toll that retention issues are taking on our workforce? Would you like to see a priority placed on determining what we can do to troubleshoot how we can resolve this? Have you personally experienced any of the following?
•    Burnout
•    Unrealistic workload
•    Lack of opportunity for promotions
•    Inequity for pay increases


At an agency that prides itself on equity, have you found that Boulder County fails to live up to its professed progressive values? Would you like to see Boulder County strive toward a better attempt to fulfill some of the following equitable practices?
•    Inclusivity for hourly employees who don’t get benefits like holidays, snow days, vacation, etc.
•    Improve the process for ADA accommodations
•    Increase work-life balance for folks who work direct service jobs
•    Better compensate bilingual staff and those who work who work non-traditional hours like weekends

Compensation & the Cost of Living in Boulder County

While Boulder County staff salaries are comparable to those of other Front Range public servants, the cost of living in Boulder County is much higher. Very few Boulder County workers can afford to live in Boulder County and those who can tend to be those in management positions. The employees who make the least are more likely to have to commute the furthest and therefore must pay the most in fuel. These are also the least likely to be able to work from home.


We encourage you to look at the information here on our website to help you understand more about the union process. Please sign your union card and let's get Boulder County employees the rights we deserve.


Boulder County Employees Union (BCEU)

Boulder County Employees Union CWA on a navy badge with green mountains and trees

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© Committee to Organize Boulder County Employees 2023. All Rights Reserved.