We are proud to work for Boulder County and proud to be public supporters of our union. Join us and vote yes in the upcoming union election because together are stronger!
Celia Aberle | Ambika Adhikari | Monica Aguilar | Cristina Aguirre | Ryan Airey |
Alexis Alarid | Lizarlette Alvarez | Monserrat Alvarez | Maria Alvarez Cabral | Anthony Amaya Jr |
Carol Andreo | Sarah Andrews | Mike Arredondo | Katherine Arrington | Marysia Bachman |
Kelsey Backiewicz | Angus Baghuinho | Cynthia Bailey | Griselda Bailey | Loree Barajas |
Brianna Barber | Chris Beamon | Alaina Beaulaurier | Benjamin Bellman | Alexander Benedict |
Sharla Benjamin | Kali Berry | Andrea Blackburn | Letticia Bonilla Nunez | Angela Borland |
Angelica Borra | Evan Bracy | Kaelan Bradley | Katie Bright Wicar | Ian Brighton |
Kendra Brouns | Chad Bucholtz | Marcela Bueno Garzon | Karilea Burns | Kimberly Cancino |
Madison Carbajal | Anne Carpenter | Diana Carrillo | Jessica Carrillo Gonzalez | Cathrina Cartelli |
Karla Casas Ibarra | Casie Casias | Maria Castro Torres | Si Ning Chan | Laila Chavez |
Dana Christensen | Carrie Cimo | Mia Clark | Wendy Clark | Linda Cohen |
Samantha Colyn | Angelica Corona Martinez | Elvin Cuevas | Joanna Daloisio | Jeffrey Davis |
Trevor Davis | Casey Davison | Alberto De Los Rios Loreto | Fabienne Dejean | Michael Dempsey |
Sherry Ding | Christopher Dirolf | Christina Edstrom | Mary Eldred | Melissa Ellis |
Daniella Escobar | Joycelyn Fankhouser | Stacy Farman | Jessica Fasick | Donna Fayard-Gurung |
James Feeney Jr | Brett Fleishman | Tulia Flores | Stephanie Fontanini | Colin Forbes |
Stacy Foster | Samantha Frazee | Cynthia Gabriel | Benjamin Gager | Susana Gallegos Viesca |
Sean Gambrel | Jacqueline Garcia | Ligia Garcia | Sally Garcia | Samuel Garcia |
Sergio Garcia | Lizeth Garcia Ramirez | Samuel Gary | Jorge Gonzales-Soria | Eva Gonzalez Sotelo |
Claudia Gordillo Villa | David Gore | Diane Gosman | Michael Gregory | Luiza Griz |
Karla Guardado | Tina Guenther | Valeria Gutierrez Moreno | Richard Hackett | Kolleen Hancock |
Carlene Hatch | Heather Hauswirth | Belinda Hearn | Stephen Hennessy | Fabiola Hernandez |
Sandra Hernandez-Perez | Karen Herrera | Deborah Hindman | Donovan Holligan | Paula Holt |
Victoria Hounshell | Alma Hull | Melissa Hunter | Alejo Irurueta Garcia | Nichola James |
Wesley Jefferies | Catrina Jimenez | Tanya Jimenez | Christine Jovene | Lisa Joyner |
Steven Junkersfeld | Rebecca Jurado | Kelly Karson-Davies | Candace Keith | Shazia Kikia |
Derek Kirkman | Brigitte Klaube | Pete L'Orange IV | Marina La Grave | Olivia Lance |
Nicholas Laramee | David LaRocca | Doil Lee | Leilani Lee | Kathryn Lehman |
Luis Licon | Bradley Light | Timmy Lomas | Candice Long | Leidy Longoria Rodriguez |
Yvonne Lopez Castaneda | Martha Lugo | Phillip Lyle | Mason Lynch | Terri Lynch |
Austin Mansy | Juan Manzo Anaya | Chloe Marquez | Pamela Marquez | Jacque Marshall |
Jonathan Martin | Karen Martinez | Pauline Martinez | Perla Martinez | Niccolle Mascarenas |
Marcela Matlak | Nichol Mattson | John McCarthy | Kimberly McCleskey | Claire McCoy |
Dennis McDermott | Alicia McIntyre | Carlo Medrano | Olimpia Mejia Rodriguez | Sindy Melara |
Irma Melendez-Madera | Irma Mendez | Lizbeth Mendoza Morales | Darlene Michael | Becky Milanski |
Katherine Millersdaughter | Suinya Mindiola | Allison Miner | Rachel Mintle | Julie Miskiewicz |
Christina Mitchell | Kristopher Mitchell | Jeffrey Moline | Rosa Moncayo Ochoa | Mary Montes |
Zachary Moran | Dennis Morris | Robert Morris II | Hata Mujcinovic | Dean Myron |
Mario Najera | Christina Diaz Nanez | Allyson Nash | Melany Niemann | Giselle Noll |
Chloe OBrien | Juan Ocampo | Rebekah Opal | Michele Ordonez | Grant Orvis |
Heather Osborn | Laura Ostrow | Delina Padilla | Estiberson Parra Cordero | Eric Patzer |
Erin Paul | Manuela Pena | Michelle Perea | Deolandra Perez | Vianca Perez |
Anja Peterson | Tracy Pettit | Alexandra Phillips | Maxwell Phinney | Alexandra Platamone |
Emilia Pollauf | Monique Price | Courtney Prusmack | Aisa Quesada Garita | Jessica Quintana |
Jamie Quirk | Michelle Raese | Deborah Ramirez | Elena Ramirez | Jessica Ramirez Gurrola |
Asusena Ramirez Torres | Matthew Ramos | Bryce Ramsey | Spring Reddick | Michael Reinwald |
Joshua Richardson | Mac Ritter | Marta Rivas | Timothy Robinson | Nicholas Robles |
Yuris Robles | Jerrina Rodriguez | Maggie Rodriguez | Courtney Rogers | Ricardo Romero |
Michael Rose | Laura Rothe | Noemi Rubio Quinones | Asmir Sabic | Wesley San |
Milany Sanabria | Tamara Sanchez-Fletes | Allie Santander | Heather Santesteban | Patricia Schuch Halleslevens |
Cynthia Shaffer Campbell | Shursteen Sharpe | Lalo Shash | Alicia Sheflin-Thompson | Marianne Shiple |
Janet Sierra | Sebastian Sifuentes Rojas | Elise Silva | Bret Simon | Audrey Simpson |
Donaven Smith | Sandra Sonoda | Joshua Stadler | Elizabeth Stanton | Elizabeth Sterling |
Janice Stiglich | Heidi Stone-Gershon | Kelly Strong | Kim Strong | Edward Stroud |
Julie Sturtz | Neha Swami | Shanna Tabatcher | Gabriela Tamayo | Rebecca Thelen |
Alma Torres | Betty Tovar | Janis Tran | Shanee Turner | Chandra Valenza |
Virginia Valenzuela | Rebekah Van Sweden | Desirae Vannorsdel | Stavan Vanscoy | Maria Vaquera |
Sanjuana Vasquez | Erica Vaughan | Joaquin Vazquez | Sean Velazquez | Glendalis Velazquez Gonzalez |
Molfese Ventura | Patricia Villalobos-Gonzalez | Michael Voorhees | Bridget Voss | Clara Wagh |
Rachel Wallace | Jerad Waring | Jennie Watson | Jennifer Watson | Justin Watts |
Laura Way | Elaine Werner-Hudson | Marisela Whitman | Alexandra Whittaker | Meghan Wiebe |
Laura Wildhirt | Dylan Wilk | Brandon Worthington | Michael Wu | Mayra Yanez |
Jon Yslas | Raoudha Zelaya | Lindiwe Zuppas |
Together we can make Boulder County the best place to work
We are a worker-led group of current Boulder County employees. Like you, we work to provide crucial services to the residents of Boulder County.
Union members work together to negotiate a contract that includes the things we care about without the fear of retaliation. You do not have to be unhappy about your job to want to form a union.
Unions make good workplaces better by protecting the working conditions you like and negotiating to improve the conditions you want to see improve.
- Wages and benefits
- Job security
- Career development opportunities
- Equity
- Flexible scheduling
- Remote work protections
Have questions? Read our FAQ here.

We are a group of Boulder County workers forming a union to have a strong and positive workplace voice. We work to provide crucial services to the residents of Boulder County. We are building a strong, worker-led, democratic union run by and for its members.
Want to learn more? Let's chat
Want to chat with another Boulder County employee about your union? Schedule a conversation here.
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© Committee to Organize Boulder County Employees 2023. All Rights Reserved.