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We are proud to work for Boulder County and proud to be public supporters of our union. Join us and vote yes in the upcoming union election because together are stronger!

Celia AberleAmbika AdhikariMonica AguilarCristina AguirreRyan Airey
Alexis AlaridLizarlette AlvarezMonserrat AlvarezMaria Alvarez CabralAnthony Amaya Jr
Carol AndreoSarah AndrewsMike ArredondoKatherine ArringtonMarysia Bachman
Kelsey BackiewiczAngus BaghuinhoCynthia BaileyGriselda BaileyLoree Barajas
Brianna BarberChris BeamonAlaina BeaulaurierBenjamin BellmanAlexander Benedict
Sharla BenjaminKali BerryAndrea BlackburnLetticia Bonilla NunezAngela Borland
Angelica BorraEvan BracyKaelan BradleyKatie Bright WicarIan Brighton
Kendra BrounsChad BucholtzMarcela Bueno GarzonKarilea BurnsKimberly Cancino
Madison CarbajalAnne CarpenterDiana CarrilloJessica Carrillo GonzalezCathrina Cartelli
Karla Casas IbarraCasie CasiasMaria Castro TorresSi Ning ChanLaila Chavez
Dana ChristensenCarrie CimoMia ClarkWendy ClarkLinda Cohen
Samantha ColynAngelica Corona MartinezElvin CuevasJoanna DaloisioJeffrey Davis
Trevor DavisCasey DavisonAlberto De Los Rios LoretoFabienne DejeanMichael Dempsey
Sherry DingChristopher DirolfChristina EdstromMary EldredMelissa Ellis
Daniella EscobarJoycelyn FankhouserStacy FarmanJessica FasickDonna Fayard-Gurung
James Feeney JrBrett FleishmanTulia FloresStephanie FontaniniColin Forbes
Stacy FosterSamantha FrazeeCynthia GabrielBenjamin GagerSusana Gallegos Viesca
Sean GambrelJacqueline GarciaLigia GarciaSally GarciaSamuel Garcia
Sergio GarciaLizeth Garcia RamirezSamuel GaryJorge Gonzales-SoriaEva Gonzalez Sotelo
Claudia Gordillo VillaDavid GoreDiane GosmanMichael GregoryLuiza Griz
Karla GuardadoTina GuentherValeria Gutierrez MorenoRichard HackettKolleen Hancock
Carlene HatchHeather HauswirthBelinda HearnStephen HennessyFabiola Hernandez
Sandra Hernandez-PerezKaren HerreraDeborah HindmanDonovan HolliganPaula Holt
Victoria HounshellAlma HullMelissa HunterAlejo Irurueta GarciaNichola James
Wesley JefferiesCatrina JimenezTanya JimenezChristine JoveneLisa Joyner
Steven JunkersfeldRebecca JuradoKelly Karson-DaviesCandace KeithShazia Kikia
Derek KirkmanBrigitte KlaubePete L'Orange IVMarina La GraveOlivia Lance
Nicholas LarameeDavid LaRoccaDoil LeeLeilani LeeKathryn Lehman
Luis LiconBradley LightTimmy LomasCandice LongLeidy Longoria Rodriguez
Yvonne Lopez CastanedaMartha LugoPhillip LyleMason LynchTerri Lynch
Austin MansyJuan Manzo AnayaChloe MarquezPamela MarquezJacque Marshall
Jonathan MartinKaren MartinezPauline MartinezPerla MartinezNiccolle Mascarenas
Marcela MatlakNichol MattsonJohn McCarthyKimberly McCleskeyClaire McCoy
Dennis McDermottAlicia McIntyreCarlo MedranoOlimpia Mejia RodriguezSindy Melara
Irma Melendez-MaderaIrma MendezLizbeth Mendoza MoralesDarlene MichaelBecky Milanski
Katherine MillersdaughterSuinya MindiolaAllison MinerRachel MintleJulie Miskiewicz
Christina MitchellKristopher MitchellJeffrey MolineRosa Moncayo OchoaMary Montes
Zachary MoranDennis MorrisRobert Morris IIHata MujcinovicDean Myron
Mario NajeraChristina Diaz NanezAllyson NashMelany NiemannGiselle Noll
Chloe OBrienJuan OcampoRebekah OpalMichele OrdonezGrant Orvis
Heather OsbornLaura OstrowDelina PadillaEstiberson Parra CorderoEric Patzer
Erin PaulManuela PenaMichelle PereaDeolandra PerezVianca Perez
Anja PetersonTracy PettitAlexandra PhillipsMaxwell PhinneyAlexandra Platamone
Emilia PollaufMonique PriceCourtney PrusmackAisa Quesada GaritaJessica Quintana
Jamie QuirkMichelle RaeseDeborah RamirezElena RamirezJessica Ramirez Gurrola
Asusena Ramirez TorresMatthew RamosBryce RamseySpring ReddickMichael Reinwald
Joshua RichardsonMac RitterMarta RivasTimothy RobinsonNicholas Robles
Yuris RoblesJerrina RodriguezMaggie RodriguezCourtney RogersRicardo Romero
Michael RoseLaura RotheNoemi Rubio QuinonesAsmir SabicWesley San
Milany SanabriaTamara Sanchez-FletesAllie SantanderHeather SantestebanPatricia Schuch Halleslevens
Cynthia Shaffer CampbellShursteen SharpeLalo ShashAlicia Sheflin-ThompsonMarianne Shiple
Janet SierraSebastian Sifuentes RojasElise SilvaBret SimonAudrey Simpson
Donaven SmithSandra SonodaJoshua StadlerElizabeth StantonElizabeth Sterling
Janice StiglichHeidi Stone-GershonKelly StrongKim StrongEdward Stroud
Julie SturtzNeha SwamiShanna TabatcherGabriela TamayoRebecca Thelen
Alma TorresBetty TovarJanis TranShanee TurnerChandra Valenza
Virginia ValenzuelaRebekah Van SwedenDesirae VannorsdelStavan VanscoyMaria Vaquera
Sanjuana VasquezErica VaughanJoaquin VazquezSean VelazquezGlendalis Velazquez Gonzalez
Molfese VenturaPatricia Villalobos-GonzalezMichael VoorheesBridget VossClara Wagh
Rachel WallaceJerad WaringJennie WatsonJennifer WatsonJustin Watts
Laura WayElaine Werner-HudsonMarisela WhitmanAlexandra WhittakerMeghan Wiebe
Laura WildhirtDylan WilkBrandon WorthingtonMichael WuMayra Yanez
Jon YslasRaoudha ZelayaLindiwe Zuppas  

Together we can make Boulder County the best place to work

We are a worker-led group of current Boulder County employees. Like you, we work to provide crucial services to the residents of Boulder County.

Union members work together to negotiate a contract that includes the things we care about without the fear of retaliation. You do not have to be unhappy about your job to want to form a union. 

Unions make good workplaces better by protecting the working conditions you like and negotiating to improve the conditions you want to see improve.

  • Wages and benefits
  • Job security
  • Career development opportunities
  • Equity
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Remote work protections

Have questions? Read our FAQ here.

Boulder County Employees Union CWA on a navy badge with green mountains and trees

We are a group of Boulder County workers forming a union to have a strong and positive workplace voice. We work to provide crucial services to the residents of Boulder County. We are building a strong, worker-led, democratic union run by and for its members.

Want to learn more? Let's chat

Want to chat with another Boulder County employee about your union? Schedule a conversation here.

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© Committee to Organize Boulder County Employees 2023. All Rights Reserved.